Investment analysts support Cowen and Company started dental coverage on shares of Michael Kors Galaxy Note 3 case Holdings (NASDAQ: KORS) in a schein (umgangssprachlich) issued to investors on Friday, TheFlyOnTheWall. com reports. The stable set a "market perform" evaluation and a $84. 00 price intended target on the stock. Cowen and Company's price target points to a potential potential of 10. 54% from the company's current price.
KORS has been the point of a number of other recent investigations reports. Analysts at Stephens begun coverage on shares of Education Kors Holdings in a research schein (umgangssprachlich) on Tuesday, December 9th. Which set an "overweight" rating producing stock. Separately, analysts at Zacks reiterated an "outperform" rating forward shares of Michael Kors Samsung Galaxy Note 3 case Union in a research note on The 24th, November 20th. They now have a $80. 00 price target on the standard. Finally, analysts at Nomura reiterated a "buy" rating on offers of Michael Kors Holdings international locations research note on Monday, Nov. 10th. They now have a $103. 00 price target on the stock. Only one equities research analyst has described the stock with a sell evaluation, eleven have given a hang on to rating, seventeen have issued a good solid buy rating and one has because a strong buy rating to the standard. The stock currently has an the average rating of "Buy" and a general opinion price target of $98. 21.
Shares of Michael Kors Union (NASDAQ: KORS) traded down zero. 45% during mid-day trading forward Tuesday, hitting $75. 65. jedna, 300, 168 shares of the company's stock traded hands. Michael Kors Holdings has a 52-week low connected with $68. 25 and a 52-week a lot of $101. 04. The stock's 50-day moving average is $74. 54.99 and its 200-day moving average are $79. 7. The company has a publicize cap of $15. 492 billion dollars and a P/E ratio of femton. 00.
Michael Kors Holdings (NASDAQ: KORS) last posted its quarterly earnings results on Tuesday, Nov. 4th. The company reported $1. 00 earnings per share for the portion, beating the analysts' consensus mind of $0. 89 by $0. 11. The company had revenue connected with $1. 06 million for the portion, compared to the consensus estimate of $977. 49 million. During the same portion last year, the company posted $0. 71 earnings per share. Michael Kors Holdings's revenue was up 40. 6% compared to the same quarter property. On average, analysts predict that Education Kors Holdings will post $4. 18 earnings per share for this marvelous current fiscal year.
Michael Kors Holdings Limited is a global your life style brand. The Company designs, materials then craftsmanship with a jet-set aesthetic it combines stylish elegance and a fantastic attitude.
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